Introducing Android : Open Source, Linux Based Mobile Phone Operating System
Lately, I'm getting interested in Mobile Phone Application . And what make me more interested about it was, getting to know the Android , a new open source operating system and software platform for mobile phones . The Android is developed by Google, and later the Open Handset Alliance based on Linux kernel . Google has made most of the Android platform available under the Apache free-software and open source license. The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a business alliance of 48 firms including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, Samsung, LG, T-Mobile, NVIDIA, Sony Ericsson, ARM, AKM Semiconductor Inc, ASUSTek COmputer Inc, Atheros Communications, Borqs, Ericsson, Garmin International Inc, Wind River Systems, Huawei Technologies, Omron Software Co Ltd, Softbank Monile Corporation, Teleca AB, Toshiba Corporation and Vodafone that came together to develop open standards for mobile devices. The Android platform was announced on 5 November 2007 with the founding of the Open Handse...