
Showing posts from November, 2009

How to Create Hyperlink on Blogger Header

Today, I got this question in comment of my previous tutorial on How to Create Hyperlink on Blogger Post . Barbara Fowlds L.Ac. : "Can I put a hyperlink in my header of my blogspot blog and if so how?" My answer is Yes you can. And here's how to do it in the simplest newbie way. Before that, I assume you may wanted to add this hyperlink on your Blogger Header Description because maybe you want to invite your visitor to your business website or any other sites you have. For example, I may like to invite my blog reader to read my art blog at and my blog description says something like this: Feel free to visit Art Of ApOgEE Blog to see my arts and order some graphic design books And now we wanna link that blue "Art Of ApOgEE Blog" to This is the simplest way. You just have to copy paste and no coding . Here's the step: Open up New Post on you blogger, select Edit Html and type the words there: Se...

Beginning LISP Programming in Ubuntu

For any reason, you may wanted to start learning Lisp Programming . However, you may wondering where to start. So here again, I'm going to share with you. How to begin Lisp Programming, "the programmable programming language". As, I'm using Ubuntu here, this example is shown step by step on Ubuntu. In order to start playing with Lisp on your ubuntu, you need to install CMUCL. CMUCL is a free implementation of Common Lisp which was originally developed at Carnegie Mellon University. To install CMUCL package, just run this command on your Ubuntu terminal: $ sudo apt-get install cmucl Next, we are going to feel the environment. Open up your terminal and type: $ lisp You will be greeted by CMU Common Lisp with it version and loaded subsystem. In my case, I see like this. apogee@apogee-ubuntu:~$ lisp CMU Common Lisp CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches, running on apogee-ubuntu With core: /usr/lib/cmucl/lisp.core Dumped on: Fri, 2009-11-13 09:05:47...

Example of Simple Web Server Using Python

I may got the question wrong on my previous post . So, here is how to make a simple web server using python in ubuntu. Open up your ubuntu terminal and create the 'index.html' file like this: <html> <head><title> sample</title></head> <body> <h1> sample</h1> <p>This is the simple html sample. Got it?</p> <p>Visit <a href="">Coder's Talk blog</a></p> </body> </html> In the same directory, create the python server and name it as '' and enter the content like this: import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer theport = 1234 Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler pywebserver = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", theport), Handler) print "Python based web server. Serving at port", theport pywebserver.serve_forever() Run the python code using this command: $ python Open up y...

Example of Simple Website Using Python

While reading my email today, found this question from one of the mailing list subscriber. Question: i want to run a web server using python can expertise in python share some simple codes with html as well to demonstrate this. [link to thread] Answer: As I'm bored today coz Kristen didn't answer my email yet, I pop my ubuntu terminal and type this code: ## ========================================================= # Sample python site by ApOgEE # ---------------------------- # 1) Make sure you have apache and enable mod-python on your apache. For example on ubuntu: # $ sudo apt-get install apache2 # $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python # $ sudo a2enmod python # # 2) Make sure you have proper PythonHandler. For example: # AddHandler mod_python .py # PythonHandler mod_python.publisher # PythonDebug On # # 3) Enter this codes and name it as '' on your web directory # # 4) test it on your browser http://localhost/pytho...