When you run a command that would take long time to finish, you would rather do something else beside staring at the terminal to wait until it finished to do the next procedure. In my case, if I write the SD cards for my ts-7260, I would leave it and do other stuff. Since it is easy to get distracted with so many stuff on the internet, I sometimes forget to get back to check the dd terminal. This could waste my time because the process have stopped for quite long time where I should write another card instead just right after the first card finished. Therefore, I use notify-send from libnotify-bin package to notify me about my process while I'm free to check my mail, reading, surfing and so on. Here is the screenshot of my gnome notification when it is ready. It can be done with one line of command like this: notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/devices/media-flash.svg \ -h int:x:$(xrandr -q|grep '*' | sed -e 's/x.*//' -e 's/\ //g') \ -h int:y...