How to create expandable post summaries in Blogger

I found the code from Blogger Help to do this. However, there is one issue with their code where the "read more" link will appear regardless of whether a post has been truncated or not. You can check it out at on How can I create expandable post summaries?. If you have already read them, you should notice the disadvantages under the Note list which says:
- Disadvantages: Requires changes to the posts themselves, rather than to the template only. However, the "read more" link is in the template, so it will appear regardless of whether a post has been truncated or not. (Modifying this feature is left as an exercise for the reader.)
Do you think it is a good exercise? So, how many of you have already solve this exercise? I've been browsing through pages of google results and found that currently, I didn't see anybody solve and publish the answer for this exercise with just the blogger layout code and without using other javascript code. I do the search because I'm a lazy coder where I don't wanna spend my precious time to reinvent the wheel. Anyway, after a few minutes of thinking, I got an idea on how to solve this problem. And as usual, I'm happy to share my solution with you.
Let's make it short now, here's the tutorial:
How can I create expandable post summaries that only show the "read more" link if post is truncated?
With this hack, you can choose to display a select amount of text from the beginning of each post as a teaser instead of showing the entire post on the front page of your blog. Then when people want to read the rest of the post, they can click a “read more” link to see the full post. This is very handy if you have lots of long articles all on one page. (Note that you’ll need to have post pages enabled in order to make this feature work.)
Step #1 - Edit your template code
To edit your template code, you have to go to your Layout > Edit HTML tab. Tick the Expand Widget Templates to have all the codes.

It is easier to copy all code and paste it to your text editor. To copy all code, click on the code area once and then press Ctrl+A to Select All. Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected codes, open your text editor and paste it in. Now you have your code ready to edit.
Add this code just before the
tag on your template code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}
Here's how it should look. The yellow box in the image below shows your newly added code:

And then you have to find
tag using Ctrl+F or find function in your text editor and paste this code just before the </p>
tag, right after the <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond=' == "more"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>...<b>Read more</b></a>
And the screenshot. The yellow box shows your newly added code:

My solution here is by checking the label whether it have "more" label. So, in every post that you decided to have the "read more" link, you have to add this label. I'm adding a loop to read the labels for each post and inside the loop, there is an IF statement to check whether it have the "more" label.
You should notice this line with:
<b:if cond=' == "more"'>
where the word 'more' in bold here is the label name. You can substitute this with any word you like but make sure you will only add that label to the post where you want to have the "read more" link.
And now, you can differentiate the truncated post.
or '>'
in your code.UPDATE!!: Please Read - Fixing Read More link appear on Blogger Fullpost
Step #2 - Add Class Tag in your default Post Template
The next step is optional to keep the class tag handy on every post you would like to have expandable post summaries. To add this, you can just go to Settings > Formatting tab on your blog settings. Scroll to the bottom and you will see the Post Template option. Then, put this code:
<span class="fullpost">
Here's the screenshot:

After that, click on Save Settings and you are done.
Step #3 - Creating your expandable post
You can now follow the same way like in the blogger help to create your expandable post. When writing your new post, anything you put above the
<span class=”fullpost”>
tag will be the teaser text. The main body of your post needs to go in between the <span class=”fullpost”>
and </span>
tags. When you have finish typing your post, make sure you add "more" label in order for the “read more” link to work properly.
Now, you can Publish your post, and see the result. Have fun blogging!!!
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and your hack is great. One question though.
I applied your codes, but in the "FULL POST"
it still shows "...Read more"
how do i get around that.
Thanx in advance.
Can you show me your blog? maybe I can do some observation on how it didn't work on yours.
Please further explain what i should replace.
thanx again.
I have found the bug, here's the fix Fixing Read More link appear on Blogger Fullpost
Thanks for your comment!!
Would it not be better to simply check the text of post itself for the fullpost string? Is it not possible to do that check in Blogger layout code? something like: if cond='data:post'=="fullpost" ?
Or you may also do it the other way around like hiding the the 'more' label from your category list. It is achievable where you can just add an 'if statement' to find the 'more' label inside the category list loop and skip it. So, it will be hidden.
You have great codings here and nice screen shot with beautiful arrows and text boxes. What photo editor program do you use? I use Irfanview together with MS Paint which does the job but not as nice as yours. Can you show me how you do the screen shot with the arrows. I hope it is not Photoshop which is expensive but is some free photo editor program. I will be watching comments here.
i really have to say "BIG THX"....
took me a day to figure this out, and i guess i wouldn't, if i hadn't found your site here. good work bro!
keep on rocking
GIMP? I had heard about it long time ago. I believe it is as good as Photoshop, but it is more complicated than Irfanview and I was too lazy to learn how to use it. How long did you take to learn GIMP?
I've tried putting it in different places, but still nothing.
Could you take a look at my source, and let me know what I'm missing?
Thanks for the offer, I actually ended up looking on my blog designer's site for help and he had an instruction set that showed me where to put the codes. Your code instructions didnt work on mine because his template looked very different. turns out for his layout, I have to put the code in a different spot.
I liked your hack and it works great if I do it from blogger, but I prefer to e-mail the post instead of opening it through Blogger - have any tips on using your awesome expandability, but via e-mail posting?
Thanks :)
I did everything you said to the 'T'.. I didn't forget any < symbols.. ANYTHING... and it just doesn't work..
I would really appreciate some help.
I'm sorry to say... Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.readlink {display:none;}
span.readlink {display:inline;}
Then for the bit below use
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond=' == "more"'>
<span class='readlink'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more...</a></span>
that will show read more on the main page, but on the article page hide it
Hope you can help me. Please visit my site to see how it looks like.
Thank you so much.
It's good for me but there's a minor problem.
I installed "related posts widget" and it shows all the post with the label "more".
How can I solve this problem.
If i did that, anyone can!
thanks again! :)
Is the unique that function OK.
I tryed many, but only this is OK.
I have been looking for a working how to on this
and your article got me up and working in 5 minutes
thanks a million
Please help me to fix it.
Thanks for sharing your solution. Actually, our template is different that's why some of us found it works and others need some tweak.
Hi brainchild, thanks for sharing.
Hi Pavel, you can use other tag instead of 'more'
Hi killertu, maybe because you missed the 'read more' link on your template. Double check your template code
Hi Eduard Lucaci, thanks for commenting my blog
Ida Kurnia, ;)
Hi AWYN, you're welcome!
Laura, sure, you're welcome!
JV, Juan PLC Salazar, Ymae, you're welcome!
Traveller, double check your code. maybe you miss something.
vma, Charlie, you're welcome!
Hi Blog Admin, if you want to have more span tags, you can set it as different class name as you can see on the <span class='fullpost'>. Simply change it to something else for other span tags.
More than perfect...because the post's photo on the main page is small and when you open the post's page (clicking "continue reading")
the photo is big!! Can anyone tell me how can this happen please? I have been looking for this hack ,for about a month now!!!
Thank you ApOgEE for this post!
Any suggestions?
Thanks the hack worked for me.. how do i add this hack to my old posts...
Thanks a zillion for any help you can give me ... the blog is
Anne Lossing
Please help me out. I can't see the "read more" link. It works when I hit the title.
I am using your code, but modified it for various reasons. The result is code that does what your does in a much more compact form(which I can provide if interested).
However, it occured to me, what if you could use the "More" label check as an on and off switch for expandable post? Lets say after the fact you decide you don't want the post "shrunk", rather then remove the "fullpost" code, just remove the label. Change your mind,add the label back.
The problem though is I have no clue how to do a boolean or variable check because I think the below is the algorithm that would be necessary to make it work.
if blog = item
fullpost inline
loop through variables
if label = More
foundLabel = 1
end if
end loop
if foundLabel = 1
fullpost display none
fullpost inline
end if
end if
The key would be to define a value for when the label is found but how do that?
If you have any ideas it would be good to hear. email: canowupass(at)
Just a quick note: have been on various sites trying to determine how to get an optional post summary, and yours is the first - of many! - that has gotten it right. Thanks: for doing the footwork, and for making it publicly available.
Best - Sls.
I'm not sure if you still read comments to this post anymore, but it's worth a shot ;-)
Your expandable post summaries was the best one I've found so far, but I'm having trouble with it.
I applied it, and it works perfectly fine in IE, Opera, and for new posts in Firefox. But old posts in Firefox are not affected...
I've triple checked everything I could think of.... Can you please help?
My page
Yours sincerely
aka Jennifer
Nyssaki, as far as I know, there shouldn't be any problem whether it is new post or old post. You just have to check:
1. you put "more" tag on that post.
2. you put the long (expanding) post within the <span id="fullpost"> tags. Please refer to the article for detail explanation.
3. Make sure you put all codes in the correct places.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
I have found, though, that if I go back to an older post and try to convert it to an expandable post I fail miserably. The "read more" link appears but after the text which I was intending to have truncated, ie the text I put between the span class = "full post" tags. I haven't forgotten the more label, and I am definitely putting the text of interest between those 2 tags. It works great if I create a new post, but I'm doing something wrong if I try to apply it to an older post.
I'm clearly a novice here..... any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I followed your complete tutorial and able to get the short post instead of full post in the index page of blogger blog.
But here i am facing a little problem. My blog is not showing "Read more" link.
I could not figure out what happened wrong.
Please help me out.
Not sure if you remember me, but i was one of the first people to use your code!! So appreciative of that till today.
3 years later....i noticed the "Read More" isn't showing up for me anymore. maybe you can take a look and let me know a fix/problem.
Thanks again, awesome resource till this day!
Thanks for this interesting and informative tech tips. It will help all bloggers !
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