
Showing posts from April, 2011

Python Server Pages Example of GET POST Form Input

Previously, I've talked about mod_python.publisher method of creating a simple website using Python . And this time, I will talk about mod_python.psp where PSP stands for Python Server Pages .

Python Code to Get IP Address From Interface Name

From my previous code on How To Print Active Network Interface List in Linux using Python , I got this question. Question from jimchris: Nice work, now how do we get ip address from ifacedata? My Answer:

VBScript Get File Extension

Before anything else, you may love to read this book too!... Actually, I got this question from the reader of my previous blog post about VBScript to Replace Underscores in Filename with Spaces for All Files in a Folder , and I decided to answer it here.

HitungHari - PHP Countdown Banner Application

The ideas developed since my previous Countdown Banner for MOSC2011 . I have made some modification on the source code and then it spark me an idea to share the source code as open source too. Therefore, I clean up my messy code, make some documentation and comments so people can reuse the code. And I name it as HitungHari .

MOSC 2011 Countdown Banner

I'm just having fun with PHP GD and Inkscape. So, to make my toy useful, I would like to dedicate this Countdown banner for the upcoming MOSC 2011 event. You are free to put it on your blog or website. Here is the code to put on your site:

Safe Way To Learn Chemical Reaction Without Using Actual Chemicals

I played with hydrochloric acid during my school's chemistry lab session. Drop a little amount of it to my text book while my teacher is teaching something else, and see the pages being eaten by those acids. Just because I'm getting bored in class. That was one case of myself. How about you? Have you ever misuse your science lab chemicals? Today, I found other way for student to learn about chemical reaction without ever use the actual chemical.