Installing TMUX on AlmaLinux 9.2 - A Comprehensive Guide on Terminal Magic with TMUX

As a Linux user, you've probably found yourself juggling multiple tasks in the terminal, switching between various terminal windows, or longing for a way to keep your terminal sessions persistent even after logging out. Enter TMUX, a powerful terminal multiplexer that can revolutionize the way you work in the command line. In this guide, we'll explore the wonders of TMUX and show you how to install it on AlmaLinux, along with tips to enable mouse click support.

What is TMUX?

TMUX is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to create, manage, and organize multiple terminal sessions within a single window or session. With TMUX, you can split your terminal into panes, navigate between them effortlessly, and run commands simultaneously, all from within a single terminal window. TMUX also provides session management, allowing you to detach and reattach terminal sessions, making it ideal for remote or long-running tasks.

Why Use TMUX?

  1. Simplify Workflow: TMUX streamlines your workflow by organizing terminal sessions and reducing the need for multiple terminal windows.

  2. Session Persistence: With TMUX, you can detach and reattach terminal sessions, keeping them running even after you log out or lose connection.

  3. Pane Management: TMUX allows you to split your terminal window into multiple panes, enabling simultaneous multitasking.

  4. Customization: TMUX is highly customizable, allowing you to create a terminal environment tailored to your needs.

Installing TMUX on AlmaLinux

Before we dive into the magic of TMUX, let's install it on your AlmaLinux 9.2 system. The process is straightforward, thanks to AlmaLinux's package manager, DNF.

Step 1: Update Package Lists

First, ensure that your system's package lists are up-to-date by running:

sudo dnf update

Step 2: Install TMUX

Now, it's time to install TMUX. Use the following command:

sudo dnf install tmux

Using TMUX: Basic Commands

Once TMUX is installed, you can start using it to unleash the full potential of your terminal experience. Here are some basic commands to get you started:

  1. Start TMUX:
  1. Create a New Session:
tmux new-session -s mysession
  1. Detach from Session:

Press Ctrl + B, then D to detach from the current session.

  1. List Existing Sessions:
tmux list-sessions
  1. Reattach to a Session:
tmux attach-session -t mysession
  1. Split Panes Vertically:

Press Ctrl + B, then %.

  1. Split Panes Horizontally:

Press Ctrl + B, then "

  1. Navigate Between Panes:

Press Ctrl + B, then arrow keys.

Customizing TMUX

TMUX is highly customizable to suit your preferences. You can configure it by creating a TMUX configuration file in your home directory:

nano ~/.tmux.conf

In this file, you can define custom keybindings, change colors, and set various options according to your needs. The possibilities are limitless!

Enabling Mouse Click Support in TMUX

By default, TMUX doesn't have mouse click support enabled. However, enabling this feature allows you to perform various actions, such as resizing panes, selecting text, and switching between panes, simply by clicking with your mouse.

To enable mouse click support, add the following line to your TMUX configuration file:

echo 'set -g mouse on' >> ~/.tmux.conf

After adding the configuration, reload TMUX to apply the changes:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

With mouse click support enabled, you can now use your mouse to interact with TMUX, enhancing your overall user experience.


Congratulations! You've unlocked the power of TMUX, a terminal multiplexer that can significantly enhance your productivity in the command line. With TMUX, you can multitask, manage sessions, and organize your terminal environment like never before.

Remember to explore TMUX's advanced features, experiment with customization, and enable mouse click support to tailor it to your workflow. Whether you're a developer, system administrator, or a terminal enthusiast, TMUX will undoubtedly become an indispensable tool in your daily Linux adventures.

So, get ready to embrace terminal magic with TMUX and take your command line skills to the next level! Happy tinkering!


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